People often ask me what marketing is and also how it relates to sales.

So roughly speaking, marketing is how you make your market aware of your products or service and drive them towards a conversation.

And the sales part is then converting that conversation into a paying customer.

Historically, people have often regarded marketing as a cost, and sales would be more of an essential expense that you need to spend in order to get more business.

Nowadays, however, there is a lot more emphasis on marketing because people have a lot more choice online and able to research things very adequately.

And a lot of times they can even make a buying decision without needing to talk to anybody.

So nowadays there’s a lot more focus on marketing as opposed to selling, and there should be more of a focus on marketing as opposed to selling, if you’re wanting to grow your business.

Now, I’m not saying that selling is not important to get more business, it absolutely is.

But without the marketing that it can be very difficult to get leads to actually convert in the first place.

There’s a saying, which I love, which is you should be looking at investing more in your marketing to make the selling easier.